Ensure excellent wireless coverage throughout your location, so your customers never have a reason to go outside for better signal (or worse, avoid your store).
Make money from the wireless infrastructure you've already deployed. Telecom providers can pay you for bandwidth used at your facility by their customers.
Our system is born in the cloud. Foxpass's OpenRoaming™ hub can handle variances in load sizes with no issue.
User credentials are encrypted end-to-end with modern encryption algorithms. Foxpass is SOC2 compliant; even government agencies use Foxpass.
According to the WBA Alliance, “OpenRoaming™ brings together a federation of networks and identity providers, allowing users to join any network managed by a federation member. Companies who join OpenRoaming™ provide assurance that their Wi-Fi® networks automatically interoperate between each other to deliver an automatic and secure connected Wi-Fi® experience."
Wi-Fi is a trademark of Wi-Fi Alliance®
(coming soon!)
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